You guys did it!!! Congratulations on completing your first year of High School and for my 16-17 class congratulations on becoming upper upperclassmen. Great Job
You guys rock and no matter what obstacles come in your way just think about the squirrel
Have a great summer everyone!
My post-script lyric:
Dreams seldom cease its everlasting journey...
Beyond the oblique crevices of infant time...
Manifests its opalescent emotions to the deeming heavens...
We, likewise, perceive the passage home...
-From My Poem “The Great Beginning”
Advance thy final course to glorious completion,
Provided that thou hast attained spiritual distinction…
If thou art to try thy best, thou shalt succeed…
Thank you Mr. Okita. For being so supportive of us, and really honestly working to help us. We're going to achieve our goals, and you are too, just like you said we would.
I never got a T-shirt. I never ran the fastest. I never hit the most tennis balls.
But I learned a lot from your class.
Thank you, and have a wonderful time wherever life may take you!
Aww squirrel video is so inspiring & cute.
Mr. Okita, your tha best PE teacher I ever had, no joke. Thank you for everything you did for us, you actually cared about us & supported us a lot. When I heard you got tha pink slip, I was sad cus I didn't want you to leave, I was gonna pick you again for next semester. In my opinion, your better than some PE teachers who been here for years. Because of your encoragement & support, I never thought I was going to pass the PE testing but I did & it's all thanks to you =). When we found out you was replacing Ms. Louie, we didn't know what to expect because we heard you was really strict but your the most awsomest teacher at Lowell. No matter what you do, never forget us & remember, your ALWAYS welcome back to Lowell. You rock & don't ever change!
Bye Mr. Okita! =)
Thank you for all the kind words and support. The reality is I am extremely sad to leave Lowell. Each one of you have touched me so uniquely that it has left a print on my teaching career. I will never forget you guys because I will always look back at the year I was at Lowell for inspiration. I would like to say that I understand that some students do not like physical education because they had bad experiences or they had a teacher that did not do a good job teaching. I apologize on behalf of all the bad PE teachers out there. But please do not associate your personal experience with all of physical education. That is not me. I am here to teach, to be an advocate, a role model and a friend. Good luck to everyone
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