Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy New Years
Happy New Years everyone. I am off to Las Vegas for New Years Eve and to visit some family. I hope everyone has a safe new years and cherish the last week off from school. Try to think about a personal fitness new year resolution for next year. Dont forget to vote on the new poll

Saturday, December 27, 2008
2008 was great
Hey Class
I hope everyone is enjoying winter break and spending time with family and friends. Don't forget to burn off all that winter weight with some exercise. I've been busy with Christmas parties, spending time with my family, catching up with some friends from high school, playing gears of war 2, and of course working out. I have decided I will be running in Emerald Across The Bay 12K 'A Celebration of Running XXVl' 26th Annual http://www.rhodyco.com/across12k.html. Does anyone wanna join me ? Of course you do! We can start a team Lowell PE and increase cardio days to 3 times a week so we can train. Sounds good ? All right
Congratulations to the Golden state warriors beating the world champions Boston Celtics

I hope everyone is enjoying winter break and spending time with family and friends. Don't forget to burn off all that winter weight with some exercise. I've been busy with Christmas parties, spending time with my family, catching up with some friends from high school, playing gears of war 2, and of course working out. I have decided I will be running in Emerald Across The Bay 12K 'A Celebration of Running XXVl' 26th Annual http://www.rhodyco.com/across12k.html. Does anyone wanna join me ? Of course you do! We can start a team Lowell PE and increase cardio days to 3 times a week so we can train. Sounds good ? All right
Congratulations to the Golden state warriors beating the world champions Boston Celtics

Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy Holidays
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
I'm sick :o(
I hope everyone was on their best behavior for the sub. For those who are going to winterball tomorrow I hope you have fun and safe time. Save me a picture !!! See you guys on Monday
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Important Update !!!
Hey Folks
I hope everyone has been keeping there portfolio updated. Here is the list of assignments/test you should have in your portfolio.Portfolios will be due on 12/18/09. (Thursday). If you are missing an assignment for whatever reason make sure you ask a classmate if you can make a copy. Please note the class you are in.
10th graders Mods 4-5, 9-10, 11-12
Cover page
Table of Contents
Hw 1 goals
Bball quiz
Team handball
Hw 2 reflection
Handball quiz
Flag football rules
Soccer handout
Fitness test
9th grade Mods 14-15
Cover page
Table of Contents
Hw 1 autobiography
Track and Field review sheet
Track and Field test
Homework assignment # 2
Golf Handout
Pickle ball Handout
9th grade Mods 19-20
Cover page
Table of Contents
Hw 1 autobiography
Bball quiz
Team handball
Hw assignment #2
Handball quiz
Golf Handout
Pickle ball Handout
I hope everyone has been keeping there portfolio updated. Here is the list of assignments/test you should have in your portfolio.Portfolios will be due on 12/18/09. (Thursday). If you are missing an assignment for whatever reason make sure you ask a classmate if you can make a copy. Please note the class you are in.
10th graders Mods 4-5, 9-10, 11-12
Cover page
Table of Contents
Hw 1 goals
Bball quiz
Team handball
Hw 2 reflection
Handball quiz
Flag football rules
Soccer handout
Fitness test
9th grade Mods 14-15
Cover page
Table of Contents
Hw 1 autobiography
Track and Field review sheet
Track and Field test
Homework assignment # 2
Golf Handout
Pickle ball Handout
9th grade Mods 19-20
Cover page
Table of Contents
Hw 1 autobiography
Bball quiz
Team handball
Hw assignment #2
Handball quiz
Golf Handout
Pickle ball Handout
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
New Units
Hey Class
We are moving on to our last units together. I had so much fun teaching the previous units that I am a little bit sad that it is coming to an end. Heres some video clips of your units that we will be doing. Make sure you check by on the website for an important update regarding your portfolio. Also, I'll be playing in the faculty vs student game on Friday at 3:45pm. Make sure you go and cheer me on. Go FACULTY
10th grade Soccer Unit
9th grade Pickle Ball
We are moving on to our last units together. I had so much fun teaching the previous units that I am a little bit sad that it is coming to an end. Heres some video clips of your units that we will be doing. Make sure you check by on the website for an important update regarding your portfolio. Also, I'll be playing in the faculty vs student game on Friday at 3:45pm. Make sure you go and cheer me on. Go FACULTY
10th grade Soccer Unit
9th grade Pickle Ball
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving !!!
I am thankful for my family & Friends, my health, my education, and especially thankful for my students. You guys have made my first year teaching at Lowell very memorable and every morning I wake up excited to see you guys. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, eat lots of food, and spend some time with your loved ones.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
9th Grade Golf Unit
Saturday, November 22, 2008
All classes: Final Projects Due 11/25/08
"Only those who dare to fail greatly
can ever achieve greatly."
- Robert F. Kennedy
10th Graders- Final copy of your Playbook due Tuesday. This is a group grade and must include all names of teammates, title, legend, and specific direction of players.
9th graders- Final Golf course will be evaluated on Tuesday. Remember to make your golf hole as creative and neat as possible. Make it challenging, yet fun enough that a paying customer would enjoy it.
Good luck and if you have questions please email me
can ever achieve greatly."
- Robert F. Kennedy
10th Graders- Final copy of your Playbook due Tuesday. This is a group grade and must include all names of teammates, title, legend, and specific direction of players.
9th graders- Final Golf course will be evaluated on Tuesday. Remember to make your golf hole as creative and neat as possible. Make it challenging, yet fun enough that a paying customer would enjoy it.
Good luck and if you have questions please email me
Thursday, November 20, 2008
9th and 10th graders
9th Graders- Bring your rough draft of your Blueprint for your miniature golf Hole everyday.Your Final copy will be due on Tuesday. Remember to make it NEAT and CREATIVE as possible. If you are using props for your golf hole make sure you bring it with you to school.
10th Graders- Final copy of your football team playbook will be due Tuesday. Remember you need a title of your play, a legend to distinguish offense and defense, and your play. Be creative as possible. Photoshop and Microsoft paint is highly encouraged
10th Graders- Final copy of your football team playbook will be due Tuesday. Remember you need a title of your play, a legend to distinguish offense and defense, and your play. Be creative as possible. Photoshop and Microsoft paint is highly encouraged
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
10th Graders Only!!!! Are you ready for some football ???
Sunday, November 9, 2008
No school Tuesday
How are your goals coming along ? Just remember "if I am not improving, I am becoming worse." Jerry Rice
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
History is made .......
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Its Raining, Its Pouring .....
I hope everyone had a safe Halloween. My night was very entertaining fighting bully's with my sidekick Patty Mayonnaise.

If you're like me, you hate the raining season and the feeling of being couped up inside your home. Heres are some exercises everyone can do it at home that requires no equipment.So, Pop in your Justin Timberlake Cd and try it out
Staggered Pushups
Create Postversion of your usual pushup by putting one hand on a phone book (or any other object) and the other on the floor. On your knees or toes (and with body straight) lower down into a pushup and push back up. Do as many as you can and move on.
Rear Delt Fly
With feet hip-width apart, tip from the hips until back is flat and parallel to the floor, abs braced. Lift the arms straight out to the sides to shoulder level with thumbs pointing up to the ceiling. Lower and repeat. Add light weights for intensity
Triceps Dips
Sit on a bench or chair with hands resting next to thighs. Push up and bring the hips out, butt just brushing the bench, knees bent. Bend the elbows and lower body down (staying close to bench) until elbows are 90 degrees. Push up and repeat. Straighten the legs for more intensity.
Triceps One-Armed Pushup
Lie down on left side, hips and knees stacked. Wrap the left arm around torso so that left hand is resting on the right waist. Place the right hand on the floor in front of you, palm parallel to the body. Squeeze the triceps and push your body up. Lower and repeat before switching sides.
Squats on Tiptoes
With feet wider than hips, squat down and place hands on phone book in front of you. Raise up on the tips of your toes. Staying on tiptoes and fingertips, lift hips up towards the ceiling and straighten the knees as much as you can. Squat back down and repeat, staying in tiptoes the entire time. Modify by placing hands higher (on a chair or bed).
Lunge with Arms Overhead
Stand in split stance with feet about 3 feet apart. Hold phone book or weight straight up overhead. Bend the knees and lower into a lunge, bringing both knees to 90 degree angles, front knee behind toe. Keeping weight overhead, push back up and repeat before switching legs.
Single Leg Lift and Squat
Place hands behind the back and tip forward until back is parallel to the floor and flat, abs braced. Take right leg out to the side, resting on toe. Squat down with the left leg while simultaneously lifting the right leg a few inches off the ground and out to the side, leg straight. Straighten and repeat for all reps before switching sides.
Oblique Abs
Sit with legs bent, back straight, arms extended straight out in front of you. Contract the abs and sweep right arm down and behind you in a half-circle motion, leaning the torso back a few inches. Sit back up and repeat on other side.

If you're like me, you hate the raining season and the feeling of being couped up inside your home. Heres are some exercises everyone can do it at home that requires no equipment.So, Pop in your Justin Timberlake Cd and try it out
Staggered Pushups
Create Postversion of your usual pushup by putting one hand on a phone book (or any other object) and the other on the floor. On your knees or toes (and with body straight) lower down into a pushup and push back up. Do as many as you can and move on.
Rear Delt Fly
With feet hip-width apart, tip from the hips until back is flat and parallel to the floor, abs braced. Lift the arms straight out to the sides to shoulder level with thumbs pointing up to the ceiling. Lower and repeat. Add light weights for intensity
Triceps Dips
Sit on a bench or chair with hands resting next to thighs. Push up and bring the hips out, butt just brushing the bench, knees bent. Bend the elbows and lower body down (staying close to bench) until elbows are 90 degrees. Push up and repeat. Straighten the legs for more intensity.
Triceps One-Armed Pushup
Lie down on left side, hips and knees stacked. Wrap the left arm around torso so that left hand is resting on the right waist. Place the right hand on the floor in front of you, palm parallel to the body. Squeeze the triceps and push your body up. Lower and repeat before switching sides.
Squats on Tiptoes
With feet wider than hips, squat down and place hands on phone book in front of you. Raise up on the tips of your toes. Staying on tiptoes and fingertips, lift hips up towards the ceiling and straighten the knees as much as you can. Squat back down and repeat, staying in tiptoes the entire time. Modify by placing hands higher (on a chair or bed).
Lunge with Arms Overhead
Stand in split stance with feet about 3 feet apart. Hold phone book or weight straight up overhead. Bend the knees and lower into a lunge, bringing both knees to 90 degree angles, front knee behind toe. Keeping weight overhead, push back up and repeat before switching legs.
Single Leg Lift and Squat
Place hands behind the back and tip forward until back is parallel to the floor and flat, abs braced. Take right leg out to the side, resting on toe. Squat down with the left leg while simultaneously lifting the right leg a few inches off the ground and out to the side, leg straight. Straighten and repeat for all reps before switching sides.
Oblique Abs
Sit with legs bent, back straight, arms extended straight out in front of you. Contract the abs and sweep right arm down and behind you in a half-circle motion, leaning the torso back a few inches. Sit back up and repeat on other side.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Next Units
Hey Classes
To prepare of our next units I found some video Clips of team handball and track and field. Check it out and let me know what you think
Flag Football
To prepare of our next units I found some video Clips of team handball and track and field. Check it out and let me know what you think
Flag Football
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Reminder all classess !!!!
All Classes will meet in room 21 on Monday. Make sure you guys study your handout sheet over the weekend
Monday, October 13, 2008
MODS 4-5, 9-10, 11-12,
Assignment # 4
6 weeks ago you turned in assignment #1 with 3 personal goals for this class. Some goals included very detailed health changes, while some goals included social changes such as making new friends. Write a detailed reflection on how you are doing reaching your goals. Some questions you might want to think about..... What am I doing to reach my goals ? Can I make any changes ? What can I do better ?
Reflection should be as detailed as possible and a minimum of 1 paragraph. Assignment will be due on 10/22/08.
MODS 14-15, 19-20
Assignment #4 (14-15) Assignment #3 (19-20)
All 9th grade students are required to participate in he California fitness gram. The fitness gram consist of the mile run, sit and reach, curl ups, push ups, trunk lift, and BMI. In order to pass the fitness gram you have to pass 5 out of the 6 tests. Write a reflection on your strengths and weaknesses regarding the test. What can you do to improve your weaknesses ? What goals can you set for yourself to make sure you pass the fitness gram ?
Reflection should be as detailed as possible and a minimum of 1 paragraph. Assignment will be due on 10/23/08.
Assignment # 4
6 weeks ago you turned in assignment #1 with 3 personal goals for this class. Some goals included very detailed health changes, while some goals included social changes such as making new friends. Write a detailed reflection on how you are doing reaching your goals. Some questions you might want to think about..... What am I doing to reach my goals ? Can I make any changes ? What can I do better ?
Reflection should be as detailed as possible and a minimum of 1 paragraph. Assignment will be due on 10/22/08.
MODS 14-15, 19-20
Assignment #4 (14-15) Assignment #3 (19-20)
All 9th grade students are required to participate in he California fitness gram. The fitness gram consist of the mile run, sit and reach, curl ups, push ups, trunk lift, and BMI. In order to pass the fitness gram you have to pass 5 out of the 6 tests. Write a reflection on your strengths and weaknesses regarding the test. What can you do to improve your weaknesses ? What goals can you set for yourself to make sure you pass the fitness gram ?
Reflection should be as detailed as possible and a minimum of 1 paragraph. Assignment will be due on 10/23/08.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
3 day weekend
Enjoy your 3 day weekend. Spend sometime with family. Catch up on some sleep. Do your homework, and don't forget to do some exercise. Here is an exercise you can do at home.
Tighten your tummy
Here is a great tummy tightening exercise that is making the rounds in Hollywood. Lie on your back with your left hand behind your neck and your right arm straight out at your side. Keeping your right leg extended straight out in front of you bend the left knee so that the sole of your foot is flat on the floor. Use only your tummy muscles to lift your torso up about eight to ten inches off the floor as you raise your right leg and twist to bring the left elbow towards the right knee. Do this slowly and strongly. Then slowly lower leg and torso at the same time. Do not arch your back. It should stay pressed to the floor! Do ten in total and then switch sides for ten more. Rest a minute and repeat.
Tighten your tummy
Here is a great tummy tightening exercise that is making the rounds in Hollywood. Lie on your back with your left hand behind your neck and your right arm straight out at your side. Keeping your right leg extended straight out in front of you bend the left knee so that the sole of your foot is flat on the floor. Use only your tummy muscles to lift your torso up about eight to ten inches off the floor as you raise your right leg and twist to bring the left elbow towards the right knee. Do this slowly and strongly. Then slowly lower leg and torso at the same time. Do not arch your back. It should stay pressed to the floor! Do ten in total and then switch sides for ten more. Rest a minute and repeat.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity
- John F. Kennedy
- John F. Kennedy
Sunday, October 5, 2008
MODS 4-5, 9-10, 11-12, 19-20
I will be passing back your basketball unit test this week. That test will be assignment #2 in your portfolio. I will also be handing out a team handball review sheet. That will be assignment #3 in your portfolio.
MODS 14-15
I will be handing out a Track and Field review sheet. That will be assignment #2 in your portfolio.
I will be passing back your basketball unit test this week. That test will be assignment #2 in your portfolio. I will also be handing out a team handball review sheet. That will be assignment #3 in your portfolio.
MODS 14-15
I will be handing out a Track and Field review sheet. That will be assignment #2 in your portfolio.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Next Units
Hey Classes
To prepare of our next units I found some video Clips of team handball and track and field. Check it out and let me know what you think
To prepare of our next units I found some video Clips of team handball and track and field. Check it out and let me know what you think
Friday, September 26, 2008
Enjoy this weather
Hey Class
Great job on completing our first 6 weeks.
Mods 4-13 and 19-20 don't forget to study for the basketball quiz on Monday in room 21. On Tuesday we will start our handball unit.
Mod 14-15
We will meet on the track and field on Monday.
All Classes- Please do a random act of kindness and tell me about it on Monday.
Enjoy your weekend, Be active
Great job on completing our first 6 weeks.
Mods 4-13 and 19-20 don't forget to study for the basketball quiz on Monday in room 21. On Tuesday we will start our handball unit.
Mod 14-15
We will meet on the track and field on Monday.
All Classes- Please do a random act of kindness and tell me about it on Monday.
Enjoy your weekend, Be active
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hey Class
I added a Poll to the webpage. Be sure to rock the vote. Check out this article on exercise and teens. I'll be sure to remember some of these pro-exercise arguments on our Cardio Fridays. HaHaHa
Ten Arguments for Exercising
Teens are great at coming up with reasons not to exercise, so be ready to give them incentives to get fit. Here are 10 pro-exercise arguments to present to your teen:
10. Running and walking are convenient. All you have to do is walk out the door and put one foot in front of the other. No need for pools, courts, or fields.
9. Running doesn't cost much. Splurge on good running shoes, but go the el-cheapo route for shorts, t-shirts, and sweats.
8. Your heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood and oxygen through your body every time you exercise aerobically. You'll think more clearly. You'll also raise HDL levels (high density lipoprotein) in your arteries to protect you from heart attacks and strokes when you get really old -- like in your 40s and 50s!
7. It's an awesome time to chat with friends. (And talking slows your pace, so you'll exercise longer.)
6. It's a perfect time to be alone and think. You'll be blown away by the creative thoughts -- ideas for research papers, ways to end that fight with your best friend, and what to say to that cute kid in the neighborhood.
5. The benefits of cross-training extend to all sports you do. Aerobic exercise conditions your body to perform longer, faster, and more efficiently. Wait until your coach sees you play soccer or baseball!
4. The more exercise you do, the more energy you'll have for hours afterwards. Your body will kick into overdrive after a few weeks of conditioning and you will feel more energized than you ever have before.
3. It makes you feel great physically. The progress is truly dramatic! Every time you work out, your muscles develop strength and power. Your lungs hold mega amounts of oxygen. You'll find that you're staring at yourself in full-length mirrors because you look AWESOME! Forget about dieting: Your metabolism will burn extra fat for hours afterwards.
2. It makes you feel good mentally. Not everyone has the discipline and ability to set a goal and reach it with slow, steady and hard work.
1. Aerobic exercise, especially running, can help make feelings of depression and frustration disappear. After 20 or more minutes of continuous slow running, your body releases powerful hormones (called endorphins) that start pumping through your bloodstream, producing a strong "runner's high" that does wonders for your self-esteem.
I added a Poll to the webpage. Be sure to rock the vote. Check out this article on exercise and teens. I'll be sure to remember some of these pro-exercise arguments on our Cardio Fridays. HaHaHa
Ten Arguments for Exercising
Teens are great at coming up with reasons not to exercise, so be ready to give them incentives to get fit. Here are 10 pro-exercise arguments to present to your teen:
10. Running and walking are convenient. All you have to do is walk out the door and put one foot in front of the other. No need for pools, courts, or fields.
9. Running doesn't cost much. Splurge on good running shoes, but go the el-cheapo route for shorts, t-shirts, and sweats.
8. Your heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood and oxygen through your body every time you exercise aerobically. You'll think more clearly. You'll also raise HDL levels (high density lipoprotein) in your arteries to protect you from heart attacks and strokes when you get really old -- like in your 40s and 50s!
7. It's an awesome time to chat with friends. (And talking slows your pace, so you'll exercise longer.)
6. It's a perfect time to be alone and think. You'll be blown away by the creative thoughts -- ideas for research papers, ways to end that fight with your best friend, and what to say to that cute kid in the neighborhood.
5. The benefits of cross-training extend to all sports you do. Aerobic exercise conditions your body to perform longer, faster, and more efficiently. Wait until your coach sees you play soccer or baseball!
4. The more exercise you do, the more energy you'll have for hours afterwards. Your body will kick into overdrive after a few weeks of conditioning and you will feel more energized than you ever have before.
3. It makes you feel great physically. The progress is truly dramatic! Every time you work out, your muscles develop strength and power. Your lungs hold mega amounts of oxygen. You'll find that you're staring at yourself in full-length mirrors because you look AWESOME! Forget about dieting: Your metabolism will burn extra fat for hours afterwards.
2. It makes you feel good mentally. Not everyone has the discipline and ability to set a goal and reach it with slow, steady and hard work.
1. Aerobic exercise, especially running, can help make feelings of depression and frustration disappear. After 20 or more minutes of continuous slow running, your body releases powerful hormones (called endorphins) that start pumping through your bloodstream, producing a strong "runner's high" that does wonders for your self-esteem.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Homework Assignment 1
MODS 1-13 (10th grade)
On a typed or neatly written paper (black ink please) answer the following questions:
1) What do you want to get out of this class ?
2) What do you know about fitness ? What is your personal experience ?
3) What are three goals you have for this class ?
4) Any injuries i should know about ?
Assignment is due on 9/16/08
Mods 14-20 (9th grade)
Your Portfolio will carry over to your sophomore year and will include homework assignments, test scores and reflections. In order to get to know you better, write a two paragraph autobiography on yourself. You can elaborate on personal interest, hobbies, family, school, ect. Have fun with this assignment
Assignment is due on 9/18/08
On a typed or neatly written paper (black ink please) answer the following questions:
1) What do you want to get out of this class ?
2) What do you know about fitness ? What is your personal experience ?
3) What are three goals you have for this class ?
4) Any injuries i should know about ?
Assignment is due on 9/16/08
Mods 14-20 (9th grade)
Your Portfolio will carry over to your sophomore year and will include homework assignments, test scores and reflections. In order to get to know you better, write a two paragraph autobiography on yourself. You can elaborate on personal interest, hobbies, family, school, ect. Have fun with this assignment
Assignment is due on 9/18/08
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Welcome to my page
Bookmark this page!!! Because I want to be as “green” as possible, I will be posting your assignments online to save paper. I will make announcements in class when I have updated a new assignment on my webpage. If you do not have access to computer I will give you your assignment individually. Be sure to do the assignment that is listed under the MOD you are in. If you have any questions, please see me. Good luck and enjoy the rest of the school year.
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